How it works

Easy to use, hardware-free


Choose how to integrate Drivit

Easily integrate Drivit SDKs into your own apps or use its white-labels to accelerate the deployment of your new mobility product.


Handpick the building blocks for your app

From our unique safety and consumption metrics, based on digital signal processing and machine learning, to third-party enabled features, like route optimization to EV recharge or driving advice based on weather and traffic state, we’ve got you covered.


Build your 360º perspective of your drivers

We make available a set of telematics tools, ranging from our APIs to our driver portal, that enables you to consume the driving and mobility data of your drivers at your pace and according to your needs.

team meeting


Launch innovation with peace of mind

After launch, we guarantee you a close support and continuous evolution of our services and unique feature, so that you can focus on what matters, delivering the best services and experiences to your drivers.

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